5 Tricks to get your winter workout mojo back

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To me winter is a glorious time of year. Crisp mornings & clear skies. It means ugg-boots, fluffy throw rugs and slow burning fires that warm the house to toasty levels. I love nothing more than curling up with my favourite book in my pj’s as soon as the sun has disappeared ( and sometimes sooner if I’m to be totally honest). All of these lovely things come naturally during the shortest months of the year. I’m a firm believer in honouring the natural cycles of our body and for me winter brings an unavoidable need for hibernation.  There is nowhere I’d rather be than snuggled up at home by the fire, which means that training has been a struggle. Workout gear Vs my velvet throw…? We all know which is more delicious right!. As for the shorter days? They too play to our hibernation desires and by 5pm I’m exhausted and drawn to my home cave which means setting off for my 6pm boxing session feels more like midnight.

Winter basically makes fitness harder, there is no doubt about it. There is no summer arms to display, swimming pools to luxuriate in and no need to work toward those goals right? Summer is but a figment of our imagination. So yes, motivation drops with the temperature.

So I thought I’d share some recent thoughts I’ve been exploring and quietly putting into practice. It’s the things we do while no one is watching that makes us constant, consistent, in control and ultimately a seeker and achiever of our dreams.  I hope they inspire in some way, after all, helping you along your own fitness journey is ultimately what Punch Love sets out to do :)


The first 15 minutes of a work out are the most challenging,… (actually I lie- its the 60 mins before the workout as well but there’s more to come on that) after that I actually begin to enjoy whatever exercise I am doing. And yet, so often the prospect of an entire hour of training feels too long and absolutely impossible. I deceive myself if I’m going to class by saying I just have to walk in the door - If I want to leave I absolutely can. Give yourself permission. If I’m do weights I say I’ll only go for 15, a quick 15 minute blast seems so much more achievable than my whole work-out. Once I get through that first round or set, the rest flies by. In all the times I’ve tricked myself like this,  I have never once actually left boxing or the gym after 15 minutes. Simply showing up is all it takes.


An hour or two before the workout, I embark on a wave of excuses. They become more and more real the closer to leaving time. When the clock strikes, I am one excuse away from faking an injury, or a fur baby in dire need of my undivided attention. It’s ridiculous, but then again, push ups and boxing training are my love, my business and what I live for. I spend a fair amount of time doing these very things,working it and as my hobby so it can be hard to stay inspired when it is every day. The good news is, doing it everyday has become so much like brushing my teeth that even when I don’t want to… I just do. The mind is still going on with the excuses but the bod is already halfway through the training.  I truly find that the less I feel like the training, the better I feel after going. When I’m most lethargic is when I need most to go. I strut out of class with a new and improved confidence; my head high and my shoulders back & I’ve convinced myself I am indeed wonder woman!


I’ve really minimised the length of my work-outs over the last few years. Previously, I’d consider 2 classes in a row, boxing and weights, add maybe a yoga class or pilates. A couple of hours of work, which was also quite time consuming. I really believe these longer sessions are harder to maintain. They get boring and being the busy humans we are, there simply isn’t the time. You must prioritise exercise as a habit and not a hobby, in the same way we might buy electric toothbrushes for brushing efficiency, the same must be mirrored in our workouts. I go to the gym 5 or 6 days a week for an hour that speeds by once I get started. These higher intensity sessions are more invigorating, more feasible and more rewarding. A Punch Love training will bag a ton of burnt calories, increase your cardio capacity, build heart health, garner bone strength from impact bag work and develop luscious lean muscles. What’s not to love about a quick but effective training session!


In winter you need a little more LOVE: sleep, supplements, water & my friend, coffee. Winter also makes us hungrier ( storing energy) This is usually the area where I go astray. A bottle or two of bold Hunter Valley shiraz, after dinner chocolates, rich casseroles and crusty bread. This year I’m committed to doing things differently. I’m loving my body differently. There’s a glass of wine to last the night & to savour the flavour, a square of dark velvety chocolate and rich bodied soups with rice and quinoa instead. I’m not missing out but I’m not going overload and then regret having it. Life is too short to miss out or regret! Eat well, sleep well & fuel well will propel you into your active-wear and off to the gym.


If you don’t indulge once a week, you won’t be able to sustain your good habits. The buzz word is balance. You must eat whatever you like and sleep for as many hours as you’d like without feeling guilty. I read that french women do this without guilt once a week. I dedicate Sunday to this, I’ll eat bread, take leisurely drives and sip cappuccinos, take naps and read the rest of the day away. Consistent restrictions are not healthy over the long term, the gym and clean eating are habits to enhance your life. You must experience the indulgences you fought all week long. They are necessary, be so good that you can enjoy being very indulgent every so often. It is called balance and believe it or not, it’s absolutely necessary and incredibly beneficial.

So the cycle of hibernation will be done before you know it. Keep your energy moving forward while honouring the seasons and cycles. Spring is coming :) xxx Nik
